Author Archives: Elise Mackie

Breaking Barriers in Ecological Restoration: Meet the Inspiring SER2023 Travel Grant Recipients

We’re excited to welcome the inaugural cohort of Open Doors Travel Grant recipients to the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. In May of this year, over 100 individuals applied for the new Open Doors Travel Grant, a program of SER’s Membership for All Initiative. Learn More

Attention Student Presenters: Submit Your Presentation to be Included SER’s Student Awards Competition

To acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our student presenters, SER is offering the opportunity for student poster and oral presentations to be competitively judged (must be a currently enrolled student, either part-time or full time). Judges will assess presentations based on scientific content, style, organization of information, context, and written or oral delivery. Learn More

Traveling to Australia – Important Information for Conference Delegates

Are you excited about attending the upcoming SER2023 conference in Australia? Before you pack your bags, there are some important travel logistics you need to take care of to ensure a smooth journey. Let’s go through the essential details you should keep in mind while planning your trip. Learn More

Call for Volunteers! SER2023 Student Oral and Poster Presentation Judges

Are you committed to supporting the next generation of aspiring restoration ecologists? Then take advantage of this new opportunity to serve as a volunteer judge to review student posters and oral presentations during SER2023. Your valuable insights and feedback will help guide students in refining their research, communication, and presentation skills. Learn More

Thank you to The Nature Conservancy for Sponsoring SER2023

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for their generous sponsorship of the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Through their support, we are able to develop a high-quality and well-rounded conference program, facilitate student and professional participation, and provide formative experiences that help delegates become better restoration professionals. Learn More

SER2023 Plenary speakers highlight the importance of diversity and standards in restoration

SER2023’s program will further advance our human relationship with nature by communicating how knowledge, evidence, and standards-based restoration can help maximize outcomes for people, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. (This experiential journey begins on the registration form with a prompt for prospective delegates to consider their own relationship with nature by sharing a memory, experience, or moment when they felt connected to nature). Learn More

SER2023 is pleased to include “Yarning Circles” as part of the in-person conference component

Consistent with the conference theme, Nature and People as One, SER2023 is pleased to include “Yarning Circles” (Discussion Circles) to enable an outdoor space for Indigenous and non-Indigenous conference delegates to safely share experiences and knowledge around designated themes. These discussions are intended to be Indigenous facilitated, or co-facilitated. Learn More

A Big Thank You to Stantec: Mobilizer Sponsor for SER2023

We are immensely grateful to Stantec for their generous sponsorship, for the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Your contribution will help make this global event a tremendous success, bringing together experts, practitioners, scientists from around the world to advance the field of ecological restoration. Learn More

Thank you to our Mobilizer Sponsor: World Wildlife Fund

A big thank you to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) our Mobilizer Sponsor for SER2023! We are thrilled to have WWF at the conference to share their extensive knowledge and experience in protecting and restoring nature.

Additionally, WWF is a global partner in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and plays an active role in managing and shaping the Decade. Learn More

Welcoming the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Advisory Board to SER2023

SER is thrilled to announce an expanded partnership with the United Nations (UN) Decade on Ecosystem Restoration as part of SER2023. The UN Decade will host their annual in-person advisory board meeting in Darwin in conjunction with conference events. They will also have one day of concurrent session programming dedicated to UN Decade content, including new tools and resources, flagship restoration projects, and more. Learn More