
Dr. Richard Fejo

In 1994 Richard worked as a Criminal Field Officer with the North Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service (NAALAS). He remained in the position for four years before moving to Perth where he was recruited as a paralegal for the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia working in family and civil law. Learn More

Hanie Moghani

With over a decade of experience, she participated in more than 20 national and international projects with Indigenous nomadic pastoralists and local communities. She is an advocate, legal counsel, community facilitator, educator, and activist, working at the interface of science, policy, and society, with expertise in developing political, economic, and ecosystem analysis models for complex problems involving water, energy, food, climate, and environment to derive policy, law and governance insights. Learn More

Henri Douche

After 10 years spent in the food industry as an agronomist and project manager, Henri joined Astrium Spot Image (now called Airbus Group) in 2011 as Global Market Manager for agriculture. Here he developed products and services using satellite imagery for crop management, yield forecast and crop insurance. Learn More

Julia Oliva

UEBT works to regenerate nature and secure a better future for people through ethical sourcing practices in the beauty, food, and natural pharmaceutical sectors. Julia focuses on technical support on biodiversity and human rights policy issues, as well as coordination of sectoral initiatives for positive impact on people and biodiversity. Learn More

Fangyuan Hua

Fangyuan’s research aims to aid the conservation and restoration of forest biodiversity, particularly under the land-use demands of agricultural and forestry production. Research in her lab focuses on two broad themes: (1) understanding how the ecology of wild species and their assemblages responds to human alterations of forest ecosystems; (2) identifying practical conservation interventions by assessing the synergies and trade-offs of biodiversity with other important demands on land resources – including agricultural/timber production and ecosystem services. Learn More

Marina Best

She supports her nation on topics related to the environment, climate change, and food sovereignty and is currently the Indigenous Relations Manager for the National Urban Parks and Ecological Corridors programs at Parks Canada. Through her life and work, she aims to enhance respect for nature through fostering connections with Indigenous and local communities and through experiences on the land, waters, and ice. Learn More

Sera Gibson

Sera’s relationships and ability to understand and relate context across a range of iwi and hapū (Māori tribes and subtribes), communities, businesses, local and central government and philanthropic partners has resulted in collective impact in a number of environmental projects across Taranaki. Learn More

Lalao Aigrette

Lalao has been working with the local coastal communities for 16 years and promoting nature and human rights-based solutions to preserve and restore mangrove ecosystems, a most productive but threatened ecosystem. She is the Madagascar country representative for the Western Indian Ocean Mangrove Network (WIOMN), whose vision is to secure the mangrove ecosystems of the Western Indian Ocean region through creation and application of best practices for sustainable conservation and management. Learn More

Frank Mars

Frank has served on the Board of Directors of Mars since 2010 and was Board Chair from March 2020 until March 2023. Currently, Frank is acting as an Advisor of Strategic Programs within Mars, including those developing scalable regenerative based ecosystem solutions which increase the resilience and sustainability of key tropical marine and terrestrial raw material supply ecosystems important to Mars. Learn More

Kia Dowell

Kia’s traditional Aboriginal name is Wadjbarreyal and her skin name is Nangala. Growing up on country, with a loving extended family, grounded Kia in her understanding of the importance of female leadership and opened her eyes to the restraints and disadvantage placed on communities by colonial structures.
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